In October this year we equipped a lock in Evergem (near Ghent) with a comprehensive monitoring system consisting of a series of different sensors together with a dedicated acquisition system. Sensors have been placed both above and below water.
With this system we will monitor various phenomena. The focus of the project is of course not just "collecting data". All data generated by the sensors is automatically and continuously forwarded to our InfraLytics platform. There all streams are first validated during the ingestion process: checked for completeness and correctness. Errors in the readout or problems with sensors are detected in an early stage so that they can be dealt with.

Afterwards, various algorithms are released on the data. In this way the system checks whether the lock gates still behave normally when they open and close, whether any calamities occur, whether the various quantities still relate to each other as required, whether there is any wear and tear, etc. The insights can subsequently be consulted in a handy on-line dashboard and in case of sudden or alarming changes the relevant parties will of course receive a warning by e-mail or SMS. Predicting damage, detecting defects at an early stage and detecting improper use together form an essential component in an optimised approach in the maintenance of critical civil infrastructure.
“....This project is a perfect illustration of how, by choosing an innovative solution, we can work in a future-oriented and therefore cost-effective way. In concrete terms, we want to learn from this pilot project which information is crucial for the management and maintenance of the Flemish locks, and which is not. We can then use that information to provide lock gates at other locations with the right sensors in a simpler and smoother manner....”
Hilde Crevits, Flemish Minister of Innovation

We are happy to contribute our expertise in the long-term follow-up of critical assets to this project. After the lock gate was replaced in Evergem, a number of press articles appeared on the subject.
Here's a short overview: